ruff ruff!!!!!!
My Mom and Dad found me in January at the Humane Society. I was so so glad to come home with them. I have been a very happy dog ever since, except when mom yells at me for something. When I first got home mom gave me a bath - yuck!!! I hate baths but she insists on giving me one every so often.It took awhile for me to adjust to my new life, but now I wouldnt have it any other way. Mom and dad say I'm to smart for my own good, I don't think so - I'm perfect. :)
I love playing with my toys, mom always brings me home a new one when she goes to the store. Also I like to dig, mom yells at me for that and I don't understand why, I always find such kewl stuff.
Here are some more pictures of me!!! - Aint I just the most adorable thing on this planet. :)
Pet Action Legue. Pet rescue and rehabilitation.
PAWS - The Progressive Animal Welfare Society. A great site dealing with animals of all kinds and their rights.
Extrordinary Facts About Us Pooches!!!
Everyone Knows that us dogs are very special and are mankinds bestest friends. Just check out what Ive found out about us!
We sweat just like any other animal on earth. We just do it through our feet!We are also left handed or right handed just like humans. Bet you didnt know that.
We can also be identified by our Nose prints. Just like humans can with their fingerprints.
There are around 1 million stray dogs living in the city of New York alone. Every hour about 12,500 puppies are born nation wide. - PLEASE HELP CONTROL OUR POPULATION. We dont like not having a home, :(
If you have comments, questions, or anything EMail